I am proud to offer this endorsement for Creators for Christ, an outstanding ministry with the mission of creating works of literature and art that open hearts and minds to the truth, beauty, and love of God as revealed in Scripture and Creation. My wife, Marlou, and I have been privileged to know the founders and operators of this ministry, Michael and Sarah Dowling, for more than thirty years, and we can attest to their talents, devotion, and dedication. Their zeal for the Lord’s work is inspiring. As the global ambassador for Advancing Native Missions, an organization I co-founded and led for more than twelve years, I advocate on behalf of more than 13,500 indigenous missionaries in approximately 112 countries around the world. A donation of $100 can in many parts of the world feed the family of an evangelist or pastor for a month. These dedicated proclaimers of the Good News of Jesus Christ depend to a great extent on funding from American Christians. Creators for Christ helps strengthen the Church in America by creating art and stories that exalt the God of Creation and teach a biblical worldview. Its ministry to the Body of Christ in the U.S. is as important and strategic as our ministry to indigenous missions around the world. I wholehearted endorse them as worthy of support.
Bo Barredo

I count it a privilege to be a member of the board of directors of Creators for Christ. My wife, Annette, and I have known the founders of this excellent ministry, Michael and Sarah Dowling, for more than forty years, and we can vouch for their integrity and devotion to Jesus Christ. They are very talented people who are impacting the culture by creating art and stories that glorify God and teach a biblical worldview. Over the past 38 years, as I have worked with World Vision International in the field of major donor relations, I am personally familiar with many excellent Christian ministries. Creators for Christ is certainly one that is worthy of generous support.
Bill Bryce, Rye, NH

As American culture increasingly abandons a Christian worldview, proclaiming the gospel is more vital than ever. But in today’s noisy, fast-paced environment, this is becoming increasingly challenging. That’s why I am so thankful for Michael and Sarah Dowling and their outstanding ministry, Creators for Christ. The imaginative and compelling books and art that they create break through cultural clutter and natural defenses to engage minds and hearts with biblical truth. My work as an attorney with the National Christian Foundation puts me in touch with generous families and many non-profit organizations. My wife, Barb, and I have known Michael and Sarah for more than two decades, and we can say without hesitation that Creators for Christ is a ministry worth supporting. I am honored to be a member of its board of directors.
Greg Sperry, St. Simons Island, GA

Michael and Sarah Dowling are members in good standing at All Saints Presbyterian Church in Brentwood, Tennessee, where I am the pastor. It is with great pleasure that I commend to you their ministry, Creators for Christ. Michael and Sarah love the Lord and love to serve him through the use of their considerable gifts. It’s been a joy to grow in fellowship with them and become familiar with their work. Your support of their ministry will be a solid kingdom investment.
Matthew Bradley, Pastor
All Saints Presbyterian Church, Brentwood, TN